Paypal, Zelle, Venmo or CashApp
(see below details)
1) Dr. Cruz 2nd Weekend of Homelessness Official Pledge Site
2) 6th Annual Dinner Fundraiser
Give to the least of these
Your generous donations make Life Changing Impact on people's lives!



"$150 = 100 meals = 100 less desperate moments.
One time gifts are greatly appreciated.
Monthly giving is the lifeblood of the ministry.
In whatever way God calls you to give, we are so very grateful for your partnership and support.

I'm a proud sponser of Jesus Loves You Love Him Back Ministry.
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Lend A Helping Hand
Our organization could not continue to serve those in need around the world without our tireless volunteers! By joining us, you can have a lasting impact on others’ journeys towards self-sufficiency. Plus, the experience of volunteering is rewarding and truly fulfilling – it’s an opportunity like no other!